The Daffodil

Daffodil (Narcissus pseudonarcissus) is one of our most popular Easter flowers and a beautiful sign of spring. In the language of flowers, the daffodil can mean two things. It can signify 'Unrequited love,' but it can also mean 'my pride.'

The genus name Narcissus is said to come from the Greek favorite Narcissus. After rejecting several young women, he was doomed to love his own reflection. The impossible love caused Narcissus to waste away, and soon a flower sprouted in the place where he died. The flower was named Narcissus.

Do you like daffodils? Would you like to see more Easter flowers? Of course we have more!

Or are you more curious about spring flowers?

White petaled daffodil with yellow center is placed off center in a pink background

For those who want to know more about daffodils

Daffodils are available both as bulb plants and in bunches. Since they can withstand some below-zero temperatures, they can be planted in pots early in the spring. The bulbs are hardy, so they thrive in both sun and partial shade. Let them wither when they are done blooming. You can plant the bulbs from the pot, and they can stand for many years, becoming a delightful herald of spring for you and your family.

Yellow petaled daffodil bouquet with one white daffodil is placed off center in a pink background