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Christmas flowers & chocolates

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Product information
A beautiful Christmas bouquet with red amaryllis, red hypericum, red skimmia, and red carnations, elegantly tied together with pine and eucalyptus. The deep red hues give the bouquet a classic and elegant feel, perfect for holiday festivities. Paired with luxurious chocolates from Xocolatl, it becomes the perfect gift for Christmas. The season's most beautiful flowers carefully selected by our florists

This bouquet is arranged by a local florist and sent to the recipient. You will receive a delivery confirmation via SMS once the flowers have been delivered.

We cannot guarantee delivery at specific times, but we always do our best.

Please note that the image shows the final bouquet in terms of color and shape. The flowers may vary depending on availability and season.

Vase is not included.

  • Same day delivery

    Same day delivery

    Fast delivery 7 days a week!

  • 7 day freshness

    7 day freshness

    Guaranteeing quality and fresh flowers

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Affordable, selected bouquets with free chocolate

  • Highly rated by customers

    Highly rated by customers

    4 out of 5 on Google reviews