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Elegant Funeral Bouquet

  • Hand-tied by a local florist
  • Delivered directly to the ceremony
  • Add a beautiful ribbon

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Standard649 kr.

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Gracefully designed white and purple funeral bouquet with fragrant flowers. This stunning funeral arrangement features a blend of roses, gerberas, and freesias, accented with lush greenery for added depth and beauty. Sending this arrangement is a beautiful and affordable way to express sympathy and share heartfelt condolences during a time of remembrance.

Note that the picture shows what the finished sheaf/funeral bouquet looks like in colour and shape. The flowers may vary depending on the variety and season.

  • Same day delivery

    Same day delivery

    Fast delivery 7 days a week!

  • 7 day freshness

    7 day freshness

    Guaranteeing quality and fresh flowers

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Affordable, selected bouquets with free chocolate

  • Highly rated by customers

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