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Pastel bouquet

  • Personal same-day delivery
  • Exclusive florist craftsmanship
  • Every bouquet is unique
  • Add chocolate for extra luxury

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LargeBestseller1.299 kr.

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Product information
This luxurious pastel bouquet in pink and white sends a lovely and soothing message to someone special. With flowers such as roses and lilies, among others, this arrangement creates a gentle and elegant ambiance. The soft colors and delicate blooms make it a perfect choice for expressing care and affection. This bouquet is a thoughtful and valuable option, bringing comfort and beauty to any occasion. A flower or two may be substituted depending on what the local florist has in store.

A local florist arranges this bouquet and personally delivers it to the recipient. You will receive an SMS confirmation once the flowers have been delivered.

We cannot guarantee delivery at the exact selected time, but we always do our best.

Please note that the image represents the bouquet’s color and shape. Flowers may vary depending on availability and season.

  • Same day delivery

    Same day delivery

    Fast delivery 7 days a week!

  • 7 day freshness

    7 day freshness

    Guaranteeing quality and fresh flowers

  • Best Value

    Best Value

    Affordable, selected bouquets with free chocolate

  • Highly rated by customers

    Highly rated by customers

    4 out of 5 on Google reviews